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How to Get Shredded Glutes

Q: How can I get shredded glutes?

A: Getting shredded glutes comes from two things. Target training for glutes in the off season and pre-contest diet. I will discuss target training for the glutes. In the off season a person should attempt to isolate the glutes just like any other exercise. Three good exercises include pleay squats, bent knee deadlifts and glute presses on the leg curl machine. On squats, take a wide stance, toes slightly turned out and squeeze the glutes at the top of the movement. On bent knee deadlifts, do not come all the way up, round the back slightly and squeeze the glutes at the top of the movement. The top would be about 3/4 of the way towards standing straight. On the leg curl machine, face away from the machine, get on both knees, place one foot under the leg curl pad and push the pad up and away from the glutes. I suggest 8-10 total sets.

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